God is a God of ORDER. (1 Corinthians 14:33) We personally observe this in all we see and do. God’s character demands order! He is pleased with order in His church. This is shown in Colossians 2:5 when Paul writes of his pleasure with the works of ministry within the Colosse church.

His character also reveals the importance of having proper and adequate documentation. (Luke 1:3, Philippians 3:1) We see this in the means He used to provide us His Word. He could have chosen to display His precepts and principles to us in the sky, but instead He gave them to us in written form.  Scripture gives us all we need to be successful in our life tasks. (Joshua1:8). God teaches that documentation holds people accountable for their actions. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

God also has a flawless bookkeeping system. He maintains a:

  • Lamb’s book of life (Revelation 21:27)
  • Book of deeds (Revelation 20:12)
  • Book of remembrances (Malachi 3:16)
  • Book of Revelation (Revelation 1:11)

He has given His Son a bride of beauty, the Church. For this bride to display such beauty, it must follow all of His teachings. (Revelation 21:2)

God is always a planner. From the beginning, He has developed plans for each of us. (Jeremiah 29:11) If we carefully seek out these plans and release them to His direction, God promises He will bless us. (Proverbs 21:5)

The church must have a Biblical organized structure to lead by, and effective and efficient operating systems to discharge His works. God's organizational chart for His church is well defined. (Ephesians 4:16) (1 Corinthians 12:12)  Each part of His church must diligently seek out and use the spiritual gift(s) He has provided to them. (1 Peter 4:10) All arranged just as He intended (1 Corinthians 12:18). Leadership must be elder led as outlined in scripture (Acts 14:23) and be watchful for ministry risks and exposures (Acts 20:28) which are so plentiful in this wicked world. (Ephesians 6:11-13)

To accomplish His great commission, church leadership must prioritize the following:

  • Live holy lives.
  • Teach the world of His teachings and commandments.
  • Baptize His chosen.
  • Disciple the chosen from basic to advanced scriptural knowledge.
  • Assure that each follower knows his or her God-given spiritual giftedness.
  • Encourage each follower to pursue the plan that God has prepared for them.
  • Pray that each follower develops a specific personal ministry passion for use within and outside of the church.
  • Assist followers in matching their giftedness with their ministry passion.
  • Train them to hunt for ministry deficiencies that “bug them” being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  • Equip the followers to effectively discharge their ministry plan and duties.
  • Assist followers by providing ministry opportunities and prayerful support.
  • Consistently look for dangers and risks within their personal life and the workings of the church.
  • Hold followers accountable for their personal lives and timely actions in accomplishing their ministry passion.
  • Develop communion with other like-minded and gifted followers.
  • Occasionally, inform the entire assembly of each person’s ministry plans and spiritual giftedness.
  • Emphasize communion within the entire body of believers.
  • Always be ready to give an answer for their hope from within.
  • Give Him praise, glory and honor for all that He has done!

Developing Biblical operating systems within the church assures the proper stewardship over time, talents, money and possessions. (Matthew 25:21) Leaders must make sure that all organizational structures and operational systems function in a “decent and orderly” manner. (1 Corinthians 14:40) Such operational systems would include areas of:

  • Leadership and management
  • Staff and employees
  • Finances
  • Facilities
  • Technology
  • General office administration
  • Ministry plans

More will be forthcoming!


2 Timothy 3:16-17